
Completed Research Projects

  • Development of Nutrient Sufficient Crop/ Crop type specific manure of organic origin (Already Developed for Rice, Potato, Brinjal etc..).
  • Optimization of Carbon source in manure of organic origin in Crop/ Crop type specific manner.
  • Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria with high efficiency as separate biofertilizer.


Ongoing Research Projects

  • Search for better phosphorus solubilizing bacteria, Potassium solubilizing bacteria, Sulphur Solubilizing bacteria.
  • Reduction of time in composting of Agro waste.


Future Research Projects

  • Improvement in Bio methanation Production.
  • Draught tolerant (less water consuming) seed production.
  • Better Technology/ instrument for segregating non Agrowaste from agrowaste at collection point.
  • Standardization of Crop rotation with respect to emphasizing cash crops considering soil type in India.
  • Conversion of left out Flowers to Compost.
  • Production of alcohol and various enzymes from Agrowaste.


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